Sunday, December 20, 2009


Hello Friends and Family,

Well, it’s that time of year again. Time to keep everyone up to date on just what our family has been up to for the last 12 months.

As most of you know, Jeremy joined our family on April 3. Two months later he was accepted to Harvard Law School. He is in the top ten percent of his class, and we expect great things from him when he runs for Congress in a few years.

Hayley was crowned Queen of Canada last June, but had to step down in August, as she was having some trouble running the affairs of state AND going to preschool at the same time. Priorities, you know.

Paul recently joined the space program, and was sent on a top-secret intelligence-gathering mission to Venus and Mars, to find out if that’s REALLY where men and women are from. We lost track of him on Venus, and hope he makes it to Mars okay.

Mollie journeyed to the North Pole to discuss with the Big Red Guy what to do about a particularly ornery 4-year-old girl, and on the way home discovered a previously unknown island, which has since been named Coffey Island. We plan to open a luxury resort there next year.

We hope this letter finds you all happy and healthy. Have a great holiday season!

Love, the Coffeys
Paul, Mollie, Hayley, and Jeremy

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